Summer Book Clubs

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57 thoughts on “Summer Book Clubs

    • I think you should read “the kind of friends we used to be”. I think to book is very cool. The book starts with a cheerleader and a guitar player both best friends.


      • What I know about Diary of a wimpy kid is that Is a boy that sometimes has bad times with his family and friends and sometimes has good times too. And he’s un middle school.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I would recommend two, very good series’s. The first is THE RANGERS APPRENTICE, and the second is FABLEHAVEN. Both have plenty of books to enjoy. I hope you like them like i did because they were truly good in my opinion. Have a nice day Carlos.


    • The book I recommend is “Now I’ll tell you everything” by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor it’s about Alice McKinley saying and revealing her last words. Alice is starting a new life with easier solutions. For example her relationship with her best friend being solved. I recommend this book because it has advice that we might need in the future. It’s a great book and I really enjoyed it.


    • i would recommend the book one shot by lee child its a good book i liked it.
      The book it about this guy shots to a rush crowd committing a massacre in a small town in indiana.


    • I recommend a book called The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. The book is about two sibling who are called Carter and Sadie Kane who are from two ancient Egyptian families that have accidentally released five gods and one of them being Set the god chaos. Carter and Sadie then try to defeat Set with many obstacles ahead of them but many other Egyptian gods help them through out their quest.


    • If you are into Fantasy and magic,then read the first book of Witch & Wizard. It has Plot twist, special characters, and an entire series to read. I hope you enjoy it.


      • I have read Smile and Sisters but I have not read Drama only seen it. It dosen’t look like I would like Drama and my favorite one is Sisters because the way Raina and Amara are is how me and my sister are so I can relate 🙂 :l


      • I have Smiles,Sisters,and Drama and I really can’t decide because there all really good books.What I do know is that Raina Telgemeier is a good Author and bases her stories in parts of her life.


  1. This blogging website is awesome. Whoever goes to this website they can see how fun it is to share good recommendation books!


  2. I chose the book house of hades and in it so far Percy and 6 demigod friends are in a journey to close the doors of death and stop giant forces of throwing down Olympus.However I can infer that maybe one demigods life will end in that journey because of many ghosts and evil spirits trying to kill.Also I can infer that at the end of the book Percy and Jason two of the most powerful demigods will have a battle because of fate and the earth mother Gaea’s hatred revenge.


    • I Like Blogging This Book Because it is getting really interesting, I Looked in the back of the book and it says that there are 5 members in the NERDS spy squad, there used to be SIX of them but one member left…Because he betrayed the rest of the 5 members in NERDS. Also, They All have one super power, there’s a member named Matilda Choi *her codename: Wheezer* The power she has is Flying and shoots a LOT of inhailers. Now There is another one names Ruby Peet *Code name: Pufferfish* her power she has is that she can detect Allergies, Danger, And Lies. Now here’s the third member Jackson Jones *Code name: Brace Face* His Powers are High Tech Braces that creates any weapons made of iron or metal. Now the 4th member Julio Escala *Code Name: Flinch* the powers that he has is High amount of strenght and high amount of speed. And last but not least… The 5th member Duncan Dewey *Code Name: Glue stick* His powers are sticking to everywhere *for example: he can climb walls using his bare hands and bare feet* (Thanks to eating Glue And Glue sticks.) What I Had Recently read on this book was [This is the Prologue of the NERDS (Book 2)]: There was a Evil Man that is always known as “Goon”, He was in the hospital. There were bandages on wrapped on his ribs and had a type of medicine connected into the vein of his arm. And He didn’t know what happened to him and how he got injured or how long he had been unconscious, what he was thinking about was calling one of the most responsible assistants he had to cover his shifts, the Goon was really busy at beating people to a bloody mess, and his victims weren’t going to punch theirselves. The Goon was evil…… Then He realized that he had a MISSING HAND. His doctor told him that all of these injuries he had were caused by an explosion. But he gave The Goon a pirate hook, but another doctor came into his room and told him this: “Sooner or Later you’ll get a machine that acts and LOOKS like a real hand of a person, it would at least a week for it to arrive here.” Then The Goon took a pillow with his Right Hand and threw it up in the air and once it came half way to the ground, The Goon Sliced the pillow in half, “I Don’t need that, I would be fine with THIS,” The Goon Said. Remember that one member that wasn’t in NERDS anymore? Well his name is Simon. His power was a really BIG Front Buck Teeth that hypnotises any thing that looks at it more than 5 seconds, and the Front teeth are REALLY HARD. And Simon decided to join with The Goon. But he had to travel all the way to his secret lair…


      • 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888NERDS [Book 2 (M is For Mama’s Boy)] Information About Simon Traveling Around`


  3. NERDS [Book 2 (M is For Mama’s Boy)] Information About Simon Traveling Around. Simon was on a Ice Mountain and it was below -35 Degrees Fahrenheit. The Ice Mountain that Simon was on was vibrating (or shaking) dangerously, so he had an idea and shoved his Power Full Front Buck Teeth on stone to hold himself with all his strength. He had struggles trying to make himself still on the mountain, he made the first vibrations on the Ice Mountain. Simon got really exhausted over dealing that issue, and there were Ice (a really big one), and it pushed him with force down a freezing sea/ocean. And he froze for a while, but surprisingly he still lived the water waves took him to Cuba, Iceland, Green Land, Canada, And The United States of America. And He ended up in a jungle ( and The lair was in the jungle), and Simon hypnotised a few Squirrels to help/assist him. He has been swinging through vines in the jungle limb with limb to find the Goon’s Lair for a few hours.


  4. The book im reading is enders game the book inpirde me to read it because the character ender has a good life but when he has changed he whent to the games of life or death. As he is in the games ender has been chosen to be the best of all people. As ender is thinking the character i choose is valintine because vaniltine has a good personality of how she has to handel not seeing ender and how she may not be abel to see her frieand in the games for the perpose of ender. Valintines personality is fun,axaguration and scared for ender. The book is so amazing i cant whate to read the 2 other books😛😛😛


    • I recommend the whole series because all of them are good so you could know what is happening instead of just reading one book


  5. Hello everyone! It’s Melvin Again. Now I am Going to read another Book Named “The Day My BUTT went PSYCHO!,” Yet This is my first time reading this Book. Now I Will Read this for half an hour to type in what I have read. Be Right Back!


  6. This is what I had read today on The Day My BUTT went PSYCHO! At Night there was a 12 year old kid named Zack. He was sleeping right close to the window of his room. (Right Before you read this part of the text I typed I’m going to add in that: Zack is Living with her Grandmother because, His parents were out in a orchestra practice and later on to be playing the orchestra in a play with their partners, they also have to do other things after they are done having fun playing the orchestra, they started this 2 months ago… And they’re coming back to get their Son *Zack* after their time is up *in one YEAR they come back*.) His Butt felt a bit weird right now… it was struggling trying to GET OUT, and it popped out his back and broke out the window and landed on a old matress right next to his grandmother’s garden. “Oh no…” He said with a sigh “Not again…” Said Zack, And Yes this happened already Once. Since Zack’s Butt made a loud sound after landing on the matress, his grandmother came and opened his door. “Did The War Started again?” Asked His Grandmother, “No?” Zack Answered. “Well… Did we win?” she asked, then Zack rolled his eyes. “Yes Gran… We Creamed them,” he answered. “Yipee!” she cheered and went to bed in her room. Then he got out the window and got on obstacles to get down and chase has but… And This is what I read (Well I Technically read more than this on top of this text) Bye Bye everyone see you again next week!


  7. Hello All You People I am back now I am going to explain what I had read today right now, and here’s what I have read *Book: Goosebumps Live On Stage* There was a girl names “Jamie”, She is 9 years old, she has brown hair and brown eyes and she is short and skinny, she was with her friends: Skate and Jessie. All Those three kids were in a city/place *I don’t Know what*, it was really foggy everywhere. It was dark outside *and yes it’s night-time* all stores looked like of they were abandoned/closed for ever. Then One of them saw a library that wasn’t abandoned like the other stores and it was unlocked, and they all got in and saw Lots of books covering the right wall of the library. “Guys… I See a gorilla,” Skater said, Jessie skipped a heartbeat and said “It’s Fake. Just Ignore it.” “We should call dad, lets find a pay phone to call him,” Said Jamie. Skater turned around to see if the gorilla was still there, but it was gone. And Jamie found a man with glasses and white hair and he was kinda tall. They asked him for help, but strangely he knows the 3 kids’ names *He Found out what their names were was in the Goosebumps series, those 3 kids are the main characters.


  8. I have just started the book called Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher from what i have read i think Marjan is going to have to make up her own ending to the tale because her heroe life depends on it.I recommend the book because it has life lessons that might be useful and cool tales.


  9. i am now reading another book called the fault of our stars it is very sad a girl name Hazel Grace has cancer and has to live her life with it. Soon she meets a boy that is also sick with something i dont know, Soon they fall in love and start dating but when its starting to get to the end that boy named Augustus dies and Its like eversince Augustus died Hazel will never be happy again because she loved him and they deserve to be together but one problem is Augustus is in Heaven and Hazel is on earth so im wondering how will Hazel see her boyfriend if shes on earth and hes not. See you guys next thursday
    BYE BYE 🙂


    • I’m now reading “One Crazy Summer”, and the 3 main characters are Delphine, Fern, and Vonetta. They were on a airplane to visit their mother in Oakland (In California) during the summer. They were all packing up their clothes, and stuff they needed to go to California. Pa gave Delphine $200 with 10 and 20 Dollar Bills since she was going to California (Since Pa Loves Delphine more than the rest) so she can buy her self things she always wanted, and the last time Delphine, Fern, and Vonetta got on an airplane the seat bealt wasn’t tight enough for the force to throw Vonetta into orbit and Fern across the aisle, and the good thing is that they are going on an airplane that have strong seatbelts. And they are staying with their mother for the rest of the summer (three months)


  10. Im at mexico and im not able to go on gsa summer book club starting tommorow so im not going to be able to go on


  11. Now what i had read today is a book called “School’s In!”. This Book is about a project that the teacher (Mrs.Jeepers) had told the kids:Liza, Eddie, Melody, and Howie. To make a project about their most special place. And They all chose their favorite tree close by the school. And There was a really short man who wanted that tree, and he may be a gnome. That Person/gnome said that garden gnomes aren’t statues. He Said that those were just gnomes who ran out of magic nearby places, and people take those gnomes and sell them for a “design for their gardens”. All those 4 kids disagreed giving the tree to the gnome for magic/power, he was going to give them a fortune. The Kids are recently protecting the tree from the gnome for the summer, and working on their project for school, and after that they presented their project on the first day of school.


  12. The book I’m reading is called The Great Wide Sea by M.H. Herlong what I know so far is that it’s about a family of 3 boys and mom and dad their life change when the mom passes away there miserable especially the father.After a while the boys realize that their house is being sold their dad says their going to sail all year round the boys aren’t happy with that idea.But find that their dads telling them not asking for their opinion also the boats name remind the of their moms name.


  13. I’m reading the book called “The Story Of Art”, It might be a little difficult but I still understand it. All I know about the book is that it talks about what happened in the past and how art came to.


  14. What I Have Read Today was “The Adventures of Captain Underpants” This book is about 2 kids in fourth grade named George And Harold. Those two boys are best friends, each time school ends, they go to a tree house they built and made up Comic Books that they made called “The Adventures of Captain Underpants”. A comic about a guy in his underwear and wearing a cape that has super powers, of super speed, strength to rip boxers (Seriously..?), and could fly and can jump really high. It was a best seller in their school, for kids to read the comics they make. And George and Harold are also trouble makers, they re-write signs on the school notification sign. And They Also Have a mean principal, Named Mr.Krupp. He Always hated those two boys’ actions and comics. Since they caused so much trouble… He Punished them both to manicure him and clean his house and car. George and Harold were sick of it so they got a 3D Hypno-ring, and they used it on Mr.Krupp and said that Mr.Krupp was actually Captain Underpants. George And Harold Messed up with the hypno-ring and they both figured out that a cup of water would make Mr.Krupp UNhypnotised


  15. The book I’m reading is The Mortal Instruments City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and what I know so far is that all the stories for example of demons,vampires and werewolves are true.And we aren’t humans were mundanes also there’s people that kill the monsters and demons called shadowhunters. The main character is clary she think as herself as a normal teenager when she ***SPOILER ALERT ***goes to the pandemonium club she notices a group of people that murder a guy that grew claws. She tells her best friend and is confused when he can’t see them she then enbarks into a journey that includes the shadowhunters and knowing the past of her so thought ordinary mom.


  16. What I Have read today was Nancy Drew Book #7, Today she was going with her father to a insurence company because her father was invited, she doesn’t really going to that place at all because you can’t get in or out without getting photographed. There was a maze of offices and execs lead Nancy and her dad to Lars Jensen, he is an inventor that shows visitors something interesting, Lars and his other helpers were done making a Super prototype for a super small titanium chip that processes a thousand times data than chips twice its size. Then.. Lars opened the door, the chip was missing and the glass door wad open, Lars asked his partner Margo how long has the chip have been missing and she said 15 minutes. If it would be in the outside its rare metals will corrode in a week, and their project will be ruined. Nancy had an idea for who took away thr chip or what made it fell, it was checking thr security cameras, but they were disabled since 12 minutes ago and she had to go through a lot to find out where’s the chip, and here’s how she found it; after a few hours for looking for the chip she went to bed…but… she wasn’t alone. There was a robber in her room.. then a cop showed up and hand cuffed the burglar, and Nancy took away the chip and gave it to the police so they can send it to Lars.


  17. The new book I’m reading is Dork Diaries Book 9. All I now about the book is that it talks about a girls life called Nikki and writes about her life in her new school. The whole book is just what she wrote in her diary.


  18. Hello, People! Today I Am Reading HunterXHunter, That book was about a kid named Gon, he was staying with his Aunt since he was a baby. And Wants to look for his father, and be like him. Three Years Ago he was at a island named Whale Island, He was all alone. He was looking foward to be a hunter just like his father. But his Attempts are risky. A Foxbear was roaring really loud and getting close to Gon Closely to eat him, The Foxbear’s cub would be easy on Gon, he was friendly to Gon and never harmed him. The Foxbear was prepared to attacked but… A Hunter Guarded Gon with a big sharp staff, And Sliced the foxbear and it died. “Can you stand?” Asked The Hunter, “Yeah…” Answered Gon Surprised. The Cub ran into the bushes to hide from the hunter. The Hunter Looked through the bushes and the cub hissed at him. “What are you going to do with it?” Asked Gon, “Put Him Down.” Gon Gasped. “I’ll take care of him.” said Gon, “Don’t He is going to try to kill humans for the death of its mother.” And Gon Trained All the way to become a Hunter


  19. The book I reccomend is called Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The author is J.K. Rowling. In this book Harry Potter goes to a school called Hogwarts. Hogwarts is a school for wizards like Harry and many of his friends. The plot is that a very powerful wizard escaped from a prison and rumors have it that he was a follower of Voldemort.


  20. What I know so far of the book Harry Potter and the goblet of fire by J.K Rowling that in his fourth year at Hogwarts SPOILER ALERT the triwizards competition is taking place at Hogwarts and that Harry’s favorite sport has been canceled. I recommend this book because of the thrilling Magic and adventure/ mystery in this series.


  21. So the 5th 📑that I’m reading is called Pish Posh by Ellen Potter. All I know about this book is that it talks about a teenage girl that always where’s black. I think k this story is going to be about how she finds more color in the world.


  22. Today I Am Reading A Book named “The Zombie Chasers: Nothing left to Ooze” Righy on this story there was a teenager named Zack driving an RV that was a Vegan Cuisine, There are pre-teens making food to sell it to vegan people to get money (These Pre-Teens are: Rice, Ozzie, Mandison, and Zoe). Later 2 figures just bumped The RV with all their strength. A Few of them got in the RV in the back of the RV, then Rice Used a pair of nunchucks, and used it to attack the zombies. Zack stopped the RV and got off the RV with Ozzie to kill the zombies with a bat. Zombies were everywhere… Rice and Zoe used snowballs to blind the zombies and for Zack and Ozzie to hit their heads. It has been hours for them to get rid of the zombies.. They all left to prepare plans to destroy the zombies


  23. The book that im reading is called Despicable me and its about this guy named gru and he wants to become the most evilest villian ever he has a lair underneath his house and has a docter named dr. nafario and has so much minions later in the book he adopts three girls that sell cookies the reason for that is because hes planning on stealing the moon and another guy named vector is in his way because he has the shrinking ray that gru will use on the moon to get it so he tells dr nafario to make cookie robots to go in the cookie box the girls sell to him so the robots can unlock the door the shrinking ray is in so gru and 2 of his minions get it and sneak out so gru gets ready to get the moon but also the girls do ballet and they want gru to be there but he wants to get the moon so he hurrys back from getting the moon and misses the show then later on gru gets used to having the girls the end oh and by the way the girls names are margo edith and agnes


  24. What I Had read today was “Superman, Secret Origin” This story was about a Man named Kal-el, his family had sent Kal-el to planet Earth because their planet Krypton was in doom of massive explosion from the core exploding. His life was always strange feeling: Heat vision from his eyes, super strength, and freeze breath. For Years he had never knew that he came from Krypton and was inside a rocket ship. His parents Found him in the ship in a huge hole on the corn fields. And He came with a blanket hard as metal. And his parents named him “Clark”. Things were going on wrong in the school, Clark would almost burn down the school with his heat vision every time he gets angry/mad, and when Lana Kisses him. When He plays sports he breaks people’s parts. Everything has gone out of control. Clark saved Lana once from a giant Lawn Mower, his body is stronger than steel. Clark wanted to continue to save people. Then Clark’s Parents showed him the rocket ship and told him the truth, there was a hologram of his Parents, Jor-el and Lara, Clark Understood about everything, and he used a suit/armor his parents from Krypton made for him. And used it for protection, and saved the planet.


  25. What I had read today was “Diary Of a Wimpy Kid,” This story is about a Middle Schooler named Greg Heffley, before he has to go to school tomorrow, his Mother Susan gave Greg a Diary to write things about his life ,and feelings, and everything else that happens. Later.. Today is the first day of class, Greg brought his diary with him to write about what he thinks about his 6th Grade classes. Greg sat down to a place that he regrets, he doesn’t like being Near two students, Then The New Teacher said “If you’re sitting in a seat you chose, then it shall be a permanent seat,” Then Greg said “OH NO!” And About Greg, He isn’t much of an sporty/outside person, he’s actually an inside person, his “Hobby” is playing Video games. His Parents Never liked how Greg enjoys things. And here is Greg’s Siblings: Manny. He’s 2 Years old (In this book, he’s older in other books), He causes too much trouble to Greg, Ruins Stuff, He’s a Tatel Tailer, and Susan Doesn’t Really Care about it. 2nd Sibling: Rodrick. He loves to watch TV, loves rock music and made his own band named “Loded Diaper,” He makes fun of Greg, treats him bad (Always Pushes Him And Calls Him Names), Makes things embarrassing for Greg, and they both always Fight, and his Dad Frank his to grab them both and put them away from eachother.


  26. A book i just finished reading is called Heidi and its about this girl who has lost her parents at death and now has to live with her sometimes grumpy grandfather who live in the mountins she soons meet a boy named peter who is a goat genral and they become friends so again please read heidi it is a good book!!! Bye Bye!!!:)


  27. A book i’m almost done with is called the world to my fingertips and it tells the story of Helen Keller and she was a little girl and very early she got a very high fever that left her blind and deaf her parents didn’t know what to do so they called in a teacher who was blind her self when she was young to help Helen her name was Anne Sullivan.They has some trouble but then all of a sudden when anne took helen to fill back up the pitcher helen tried to say the word”Water” and she soon leaned the ways of speaking and thats the story of Helen Keller the end i will be back tomarrow with another book! BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


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